Social networking sites have evolved into being much more than just that. Almost all these sites give you an option of monetizing them and Twitter too is no different. So how can you earn money using Twitter? Well for starters you will have to create an account on Twitter. The next step will be to create a RevTwt account. This program offers you a CPC or a cost per click platform. You will be required to share your twitter information for this. You can earn revenue for the tweets that you make. Ads will be placed on your site and anyone who clicks on them will earn you revenue.
The best way to make money using Twitter is to make sure that you have a good following on Twitter. Try and make sure that you use Twitter as much for socializing purposes as you would to earn revenue. That is the only way you can guarantee yourself a sustained income.
Some of the ways in which you can earn yourself some revenue on Twitter is to make use of the large following you have. You can take on direct advertising and target it at your followers. You could also try recommending a product or more, and have links to these products to their website. Thus you can start up an affiliate marketing program. Another way in which you can help a prospective advertiser is by offering the services of your Twitter account to promote a specific or new product.
Another way in which you can monetize Twitter is to offer products that you may have for sale. You can actually initiate an affiliate program of your own. For example, if you have a food blog and somebody asks you for a recommendation. Instead of leading them directly to that site you can arrange from reservations through your affiliate program and earn yourself the revenue.
If you have some great writing skills, you can think of doing reviews and getting paid for it. The reviews can range from promoting a product of one of your advertisers to writing on the services that the advertiser would like to promote and even promoting the skills of friends to prospective headhunters who may frequent your site.
Another great way to monetize Twitter is to have a famous user name, for example the NBA. Since several people are fanatics of the game, you are bound to get several followers. Use this user name to automatically Tweet game updates. Once you have a desired number of followers you can start opting for one-line advertising that can appear after a fixed number of tweets.
Make your Tweets on some information that is valuable and not really accessible to all. You can publicize this to only a few select people. All those who would like to gain access to your Tweeter account will have to pay for it. Thus you could build up a subscription base of sorts.
Making money on Twitter is all about using your smarts. It is also about how different you can make your Tweet account.
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